Common Question: Why are states best positioned to regulate oil & natural gas?
"The main reason it's important for states to be in charge of regulation of their natural resources is the huge variability from states...

GWPC Holds UIC Conference in New Orleans
The Ground Water Protection Council, a partner in the States First Initiative, hosted an Underground Injection Control (UIC) Conference...
Press Release: Governors Lead Effort Supporting State Oil & Gas Regulatory Programs
Contact: Carol Booth, IOGCC Communications Director, 405.525.3556 (ext. 114) In a letter to American energy policy leaders, governors of...
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In an effort to openly communicate facts and ideas about the development and regulation of domestic oil and natural gas resources with...

Governors to send States First letter of support to American energy policy leaders
​Ten governors from oil and natural gas producing states across the country have signed a letter supporting the States First Initiative,...