State oil and gas regulatory officials have expressed the need for information and consultation on topics surrounding the use of drones. The Exchange is perfectly matched to support the states in this venture.
The Exchange (a partnership between the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission and the Ground Water Protection Council) is an exciting STATE-led initiative aimed at facilitating multi-state collaboration and innovative regulatory solutions for oil and natural gas producing states.
The mission of The Exchange is to assist states’ efforts to continuously improve their oil and gas regulatory programs.
Drones have been a hot topic of discussion in recent years. Drones may be used for many different regulatory purposes including but not limited to site inspections, locating idle or orphan wells, and pipeline monitoring.
With increased federal regulation and technology advancements, staying up to speed may seem impossible. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has created several guidelines related to drones for commercial use.
During this workshop we will discuss what drones are, different types of equipment, drones that are best for your particular purposes/issues, license requirements, training programs, legal issues related to relationships with landowners, liability, case studies from state programs, and development of implementation plans.