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Potential Injection-Induced Seismicity Associated with Oil & Gas Development
State oil and gas regulatory agencies and geological surveys partnered with the Exchange to create a workgroup that proactively discussed the association between seismic events occurring in multiple states and injection wells.
The workgroup, comprised of members of state oil and natural gas agencies and advisory experts from academia, industry, non-profit organizations and federal agencies, released a Primer in 2015 to provide a guide to evaluate and develop strategies to mitigate and manage risks of injection-induced seismicity. The Primer also outlined how states can provide information to the public in an open and effective manner. In 2017, the workgroup released an updated second edition of the Primer.
Underground Gas Storage Regulatory Considerations
In March 2016, the Exchange facilitated a workgroup comprised of multiple states that reviewed collected data to proactively address natural gas storage facilities and state regulations, complement the different databases to the greatest extent possible, and recognize aging infrastructure concerns. In May 2017, the group released a final report: “Underground Gas Storage Regulatory Considerations: A Guide for State Regulatory Agencies.”
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